Professional Information

·        Laboratory In-Charge, Padmanabha Labs, Chennai, India. June 2000-Present .

Managing the activities of the shrimp disease diagnostic laboratory. The major responsibilities include quality evaluation of shrimp seed by PCR technique and diagnostic microbiology of shrimp hatchery and farm.  

·        Consulting Microbiologist, NCC Bluewater Products Ltd., Vishakapatnam, India. Jan. 2000-June 2000.

Responsible for setting up the on-farm microbiology facility for the company and also trained personnel in microbial techniques to support the shrimp hatchery and farm. Apart from routinely monitoring the bacterial (mainly Vibrio) load at different stages of water treatment and sections of hatchery, antibiotic sensitivity of suspected bacterial isolates were carried out to find the suitable antibiotic. To decide the effective concentration of commercial antibiotics, MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) Test were done with antibiotics available in the market against isolated bacterial pathogens.  

·        Freelance Consultant 1998-'99

Took up feasibility studies and setting up of shrimp diagnostic center. Helped in setting up on-farm laboratories. Developed a Total Vibrio detection kit for use in shrimp hatchery and farm. Helped diagnostic laboratories in trouble shooting dot-blot DNA hybridization kit (ShrimProbeTM of DiagXotics, Inc. USA).

·        Assistant Scientific Officer (Husbandry) 1993-'95

At the Field R&D Centre of Minota Aquatech Ltd., aquaculture subsidiary of ITC Ltd. Providing technical support through routine analysis of various physico-chemical and biological parameters involved in shrimp aquaculture hatchery and grow out farm of the company located at Tuticorin, India were the main responsibilities.


Shrimp Larval rearing tank                         Shrimp grow out pond

·        Scientific Officer (Shrimp Health) 1995-'96

At the main R&D Centre of the above company at Chennai, India. Diagnostic pathology of shrimp, disease investigation and development of preventive and therapeutic measures for various shrimp diseases caused by protozoans, fungi, bacteria and viruses were the main responsibilities.

R&D Centre, ITC Ltd.

Some of the works published

Panchayuthapani, D.1997. A survey of shrimp diseases in India. In T. W. Flegel and I. H. Mac Rae (eds.) Diseases in Asian Aquaculture III. Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila. Pp 225-232.    Abstract

Rao,  A.V.P., D. Panchayuthapani, Anita Murthy and B.S. Ajitha kumar.1995. Resistance to diseases in tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon through incorporation of glucan in feed. Fishing Chimes. April 1996.

Alagaraaja, K., S. Ramamurthy, D. Ramaraj, D. Panchayuthapani, B.S. Ajitha Kumar and A. Sandhya. 1997. Shrimp seed quality. AFI Special Publication, Aquaculture Foundation of India, Chennai, India.

·        Aquatic Pathologist 1997-'98

At the Aquatic Pathology laboratory of INVE AquacultureNV., a Belgium based aquaculture feed manufacturer, Chennai, India. Providing technical support for a commercial dot-blot based gene probe kit for rapid detection of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) in shrimp.

Aquatic Pathology Laboratory, INVE Aquaculture NV.

Some of the works published

Panchayuthapani, D and Kenneth E. Corpron. 1997. Rapid diagnostic methods for viral diseases of shrimp. Fishing Chimes. May 1997. p31.

Panchayuthapani, D.1997. DNA-based kit to detect shrimp virus. Science & Technology Edition, The Hindu, Nov. 20, 1997. p 28. Abstract
